CCSC Hosts Aid Station at Ironman 70.3 Michigan

More than 50 volunteers spent Sunday, September 11, 2022, volunteering at Ironman 70.3 in Frankfort Michigan. Crystal Community Ski Club (CCSC) hosted an aid station along the run course and spent the day passing out drinks and cheering on the Ironman athletes.

“This was our second year hosting an aid station, and it’s so much fun. It’s a lot of work, but I love seeing our CCSC community and the Frankfort community come together for such an incredible event,” said Anna Luther, Aid Station Team Captain.

The day began before 7 am when volunteers arrived at the aid station to start setting up tables, unloading the box truck and getting organized for the day. Also in the group was program director and coach Marco Dedenbach, setting up his DJ station for the day.

“I spin vinyl, so I wanted to make sure that I had plenty of time to set up my tent and get everything pulled together with plenty of time before the runners came through,” said Marco.

“DJ Marco” played music and made announcements all throughout the day - donating more than 8 hours of his DJ time to keep the volunteers and runners hyped.

“The music was awesome. Several of the runners said they could hear it long before they could see the aid station, and it motivated them to keep on running,” said volunteer and CCSC program coordinator Hunter Steinkamp.

This year’s aid station was a Halloween theme, so volunteers decorated the area with skulls, spooky signs and ghosts. Some volunteers even came in costume.

In exchange for hosting the aid station, CCSC will be awarded a grant from the Ironman Foundation.

“We actively raise money for CCSC throughout the year to keep our program costs as low as possible as well as to help with our many outreach activities to give kids the opportunity to experience winter sports,” Steinkamp said. “Getting to come together at such an inspiring event AND raise money for the club is a win-win!”

Special Thanks

Special thanks to DJ Marco, East Shore Marina (for providing electricity) and Jessica Gilbert (for the amazing Halloween decorations and coffee pot).

Save the Date

Next year’s event will be held on Sunday, September 17, 2023. Mark your calendar to join us and volunteer at our aid station!


This event would not be possible without the volunteers that came and helped. Huge thank you to all of you!

Walter Armstrong
Ashley Armstrong
Mia Armstrong
Elizabeth Armstrong
Ron Bing
Robert Boehm
Nancy Boehm
Luciano Carrella
Jayden Carver
Lisa Clay
Janel Farron
Tim Furbacher
Erin Gilbert
Jessica Gilbert
Wyatt Gilbert
Ada Grubaugh
Katie Hawkins
Natalie Higley
Ava Higley
Anna Higley
Jeffrey Huber
Steven Kermode
Dosie Kermode
Ellis Larsen
Cassie Lietaert
Emilee Lietaert
Alice Luther
Anna Luther
Simon Luther
Miles Luther
Matt Luther
Beth Major
Amy McKinley
Leah McRae
Angela Meyer
Gene Meyer
Owen Mills
Andrea Morin
Brynn Morin
Joseph Morse
Ella Newbold
Sara Padden
August Pityo
Erica Plesha
Cecilia Postma
Michelle Russell
MaryJo Schrank
Barb Sobkoviak
Gloria Sobkoviak
Joel Sobkoviak
Hunter Steinkamp
Carolyn Thayer
Kristen Vigland
Lorenzo Walker

Send us Your Pics

If you were volunteering at the event, we’d love to share your pictures! Please send them to Hunter Steinkamp at


Volunteer with CCSC at the Crystal Mountain Ski Swap


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